RS Complete: A Smarter Way to Get Resistant Starch
Resistant Starch is a unique compound naturally occurring in plants that improves gut health and regulates blood sugar. Yet many of the food sources of resistant starch are higher in carbohydrate than people prefer.
I formulated RS Complete to provide the full benefits of resistant starch (RS) in a simple, standardized blend. Unlike store-bought potato starch or banana flour—which may not actually contain RS—this formula is guaranteed to provide at least 4 grams of Type II resistant starch per serving.
What Makes RS Special?
Most starches break down quickly into sugar, but resistant starch works differently.
• It bypasses digestion in the small intestine and reaches the large intestine intact.
• Once there, beneficial gut bacteria make it into short-chain fatty acids like butyrate and propionate that fuel gut cells and support a healthy microbiome.
• This process helps promote heal leaky gut, control blood sugar, and lower appetite.
How to Use It
This unflavored powder can be mixed into water, smoothies, yogurt, or other foods. Use one serving daily in the morning for general health or one serving twice daily for intensive repair of the intestinal lining.
Why RS Complete?
✔ Guaranteed RS Content
✔ Supports gut health & microbial balance
✔ May help regulate blood sugar & appetite
✔ Promotes intestinal integrity & overall wellness
RS Complete is an easy way to get the benefits of resistant starch without guesswork or extra calories.